Why Law Students Should Use LinkedIn
It’s the winter before you start law school.
You’re excited but nervous.
You’re not really sure what to expect.
You want to be prepared.
You want to do the best you can.
And some lawyer or parent or peer or professor or career person told you it would be a good idea to get on LinkedIn.
(Maybe it will help your future job search or something. 😉)
So you’re here.
Great start.
Now take these 3 additional steps:
1️⃣ Perfect your profile.
Now that you’re in the legal world, your LinkedIn profile is the first place EVERYONE will check you out.
Make sure your photo is professional and your About section makes you sound good!
👉 For any law students reading, would you share your About section to give new folks ideas?
2️⃣ Train your feed.
You need to be proactive about training the algorithm. Otherwise, your feed will be all over the place—a hodge-podge.
And that can get you bored and bolting out of here fast.
🔹 So:
(A) affirmatively follow or connect with people whose content you like;
(B) affirmatively UNfollow people whose content you don’t like (they will not know you did); and
(C) start reading all the comment threads under the posts of people you like to get more names to follow—and follow them, too!
To get you started, here are some people you may enjoy following:
Miller Leonard Miller Leonard
Lisa Blasser Lisa Blasser
Cherise Bacalski Cherise Bacalski
Jonah Perlin Jonah Perlin
Anthony Albrecht Anthony Albrecht
There are others, too, but those will get you started!
3️⃣ Comment, Comment, Comment.
Start spending time in the comments section of posts by lawyers, law students, and other legal professionals.
These are real-time conversations between and among lawyers.
You should join in to start getting comfortable conversing professionally!
Still on the fence?
Here are 10 perks to LinkedIn you might not have thought about & are NOT tied to any job search:
1-Get tips for doing well in law school
2-Learn from leading legal writers
3-Get comfortable interacting with lawyers
4-See lawyers in different roles and in different areas of law
5-Learn about podcasts, presentations, and other resources
6-Improve your written communication skills
7-Get used to being outside your comfort zone
8-Start building your professional brand
9-Start building your personal brand
10-Become part of a larger community!
Seriously, where else can you get all those advantages in ONE place?
So why not introduce yourself and become part of the legal LinkedIn community today!
❤️ I’ll start: I’m Amanda, and I live outside Philadelphia. On LinkedIn this year, I will be talking about legal writing, law school, LinkedIn, and being a Big Law lawyer.
🗳️ What’s your name; where do you live; and what would you like to READ or LEARN ABOUT on LinkedIn this year?
💌 Amanda
P.S. Recruiting for 2L summer jobs now starts as early as 1L fall. Don’t delay one day in getting started on your networking efforts!