What to Read the Summer Before Law School

Here are book recommendations contributed by hundreds of lawyers & law students for pre-law summer.

🗳️ If you could pick only 1 or 2, which would you choose & why?

1. 1L of A Ride (Andrew McClung)

2. Getting to Maybe (Richard Fishl)

3. One L (Scott Turow)

4. Doing Well and Being Well (Shailini George)

5. Thinking Like A Lawyer (Frederick Schauer)

6. Untangling the Fear in Lawyering (Heidi Brown)

7. The Bramble Bush (Karl Llewellyn)

8. A Civil Action (Jonathan Harr)

9. The Buffalo Creek Disaster (Gerald Stern)

10. Gideon’s Trumpet (Anthony Lewis)

11. Plain Language for Lawyers (Richard Wydick)

12. The Elements of Style (Strunk & White)

13. Becoming (Michelle Obama)

14. My Own Words (RBG)

15. Women in Law (various)

16. The Prelaw Survival Guide (Jolene Blackbourn)

17. Law 101 (Jay Feinman)

18. Deconstructing Legal Analysis: A 1L Primer (Peter Wendel)

19. The Path of Law (Oliver Wendell Holmes)

20. The Nature of Judicial Process (Benjamin Cardozo)

21. The Uses of Argument (Stephen Toulmin)

22. On Rhetoric (Aristotle)

23. I Wish I Read this Book Before Law School (Saada, Culver, Apodaca)

24. Closed Chambers (Edward Lazarus)

25. The Complete Pre-law Writer (Pryal, Di Leo)


🗳️ Any books you’d add?

🗳️ I’ll do movies next. Please give your recommendations!!


💌 Amanda


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