Legal Writing Is the Opposite of Purple Prose
I’m working on slides for my prelaw writing course, and I learned 2 new terms:
“purple prose” & “minimalist writing”
The photo is my sketch of the SWITCH from 🟣 purple to 🟡 yellow.
Students must make this switch when going from college to law school.
-excessives adjectives & adverbs
-complex sentence structures
-elaborate similes and metaphors
-ornate words
-verbose in minute details
-melodramatic in tone
-simple, straightforward language
-short sentences & paragraphs
-no unnecessarily complex words or jargon
I also today learned that the writing done in the Land of Clarity is called “minimalist writing.”
So, when you think of “legal writing,” think of “minimalist writing” that works in the Land of Clarity. And don’t let anyone say your legal writing is purple prose!
(And yes, I am having fun creating!
Sending happy Monday cheer to all— 🌈☀️)
Had you thought of legal writing as the opposite of “purple prose” before?