Self-doubt & Imposter Syndrome

Dear 1L,

If you’re “beyond confused,”
If you think you’re “the only one” experiencing self-doubt, or
If you worry everyone else “gets” it, when you don’t:

🔷 I am sorry you’re experiencing these feelings. The cases at the beginning of law school can be bewildering.

—Please don’t let any of the early reading derail your confidence. The cases from the 1700s are meant for background and historical context.

-They come with arcane terminology and syntax,

-they’re inconsistent with one another, and

-you will NOT need to know their details for exams.

—> Just try to keep up with the reading and follow along in class. No one expects you to be good at this stuff yet.

🔷 Know that you’re not alone. Take a short stroll down the LawSchool subreddit, and you’ll see.

👉 Everyone else is baffled, too.

In fact, serious self-doubt—even full blown Imposter Syndrome—is experienced by most 1Ls at some point.

Of course you’re outside your comfort zone. Law school teaches you
-an unfamiliar subject,
-in an unfamiliar language,
-in an unfamiliar way.

You will get used to it. —> Be patient. It takes time.

🔷 Anyone who says or acts like they “get it” based on the cases you’ve read so far is either faking it or having delusions.

—> Focus on yourself.
—> Don’t think too far ahead.
—> Take it one assignment, one class, one day at a time.

Everything will be ok.

That said, I’m around this week if you want to talk.

💌 Amanda

P.S. If you found this letter valuable and think someone else might need to read it, please repost.


🗳️ I’m starting to collect law-student stories for my book.

If you had self-doubts or Imposter Syndrome during 1L and you’d like to share your story (can be anonymous, or not), please comment below to let me know. Thank you in advance!!


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