2024 Resume Checklist for Law Students

Harsh truth: Your law school will NOT catch the typos in your resume.

I’ve seen several hundreds of these resumes. Law students send them to me AFTER everyone’s already signed off, and AFTER they think the resume is “blessed,” “final,” and “good-to-go.”

BIG problem:
—I see nits & formatting errors.
—I see things SO easy to improve.
—It always breaks my heart.

The law-school, career-services folks are awesome, but they can’t make your resume the best it could be.

That is NOT THEIR JOB. That job belongs to YOU alone.

So, 🙏🏻 PLEASE 🙏🏻 use the attached checklist + proofread!!!


🗳️ Lawyers, Recruiters, et al.:
What law-student resume problems do you see?

🗳️ Law Students:
What resume questions might you have for me?


💌 Amanda

P.S. I’ll have more tips to help you with your upcoming search for 2L summer jobs.

Become a follower of #Dear1L (2700+ followers) for future tips.



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