PERSONAL BRANDING: Seasonal Affective Disorder

I was diagnosed with a couple things during law school—including severe seasonal affective disorder (SAD).

I splurge on a clean, new happy light at the start of most winters. (Pulling the old, dust-covered ones from storage is simply too depressing some years!)

Pictured here is the little happy lamp I just got for my bedside table this year.

—I especially like this one because it allows you to change the light setting to a warm, daylight hue (as opposed to the white, industrial shade of light emitted from most SAD lamps).

Everyone can get the winter blues, but mine are more of a deep black. I’m hoping that my lamp and Vitamin D supply will carry me through the cold, dark days ahead.

This year, I’ve also been trying to force myself to spend time walking outside every day—even when it’s bitterly cold. (Thank you to Christine Uri for that great suggestion!)

What do you do to survive the winter blues (or blacks, as mine often become)?

💌 Amanda

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