LinkedIn Writing

Writing on LinkedIn causes soul-crushing angst.

Three years ago, I started a pinboard to help me stay motivated.

It hangs on the wall next to where I write.

On it, I’ve collected 10 mottos.

1: Don’t compare yourself to other people. You do YOU.
2: People think about you FAR less than you believe.
3: Always be a zealous advocate for yourself, too.
4: Remember all of your past accomplishments.
5: Beautiful girl, you CAN do hard things.
6: Done is always better than perfect.
7: Listen to your own advice more.
8: Do only ONE thing at a time.
9: Good vibes only.
10: Why not me?

Each of these has moved me to keep posting.

+Every day:
-Build your book.
👉 Help someone else.

Of all of these, I must remind myself constantly.

Now, I’ll concede, I’ve been feeling a bit weary from it all.

I sense I need some new motivation to keep at it.

So I’ll be retiring my pinboard soon.

I’m starting anew.

🗳️ What keeps you going on LinkedIn?

I need some renewed mottos.

The future is a blank slate.

Let’s make it great.

💌 Amanda



cards on a wall

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