You Tell Me You Want to “Leverage” LinkedIn
Lawyers—You tell me you want to “leverage” LinkedIn.
You’re making 3 big mistakes.
Here’s why, how you can fix them, and
some cool follow suggestions:
1️⃣ MISTAKE No. 1: You post with a FIREWALL.
You post an article you’ve written.
We can’t read it.
We don’t like or comment.
We move on.
You have lost.
—Share your best takeaways from the article in the body of the post.
—Explain to us why writing it was important or hard for you, or why we should care.
2️⃣ MISTAKE No. 2: You post and GHOST.
We like your post.
You don’t notice.
We move on.
You have lost.
—Study who liked your post and follow up to thank them by DM.
—Respond substantively to every comment.
3️⃣ MISTAKE No. 3: You post to TOOT, TOOT, TOOT!
You post about an award, promotion, victory, or other win—every time you post.
We tire of you tooting your horn.
You’ve become tone deaf.
We move on.
You have lost.
—Try to create VALUE for others.
—Don’t be a one-trick pony.
—Don’t be a big braggart.
❌ I actually think that in saying you want to “leverage” LinkedIn, you’ve lost at the git-go.
The word “leverage” has a few meanings, but the connotation to me is “getting something for less than you invested.”
That approach does not work on LinkedIn.
Here’s what I would suggest instead:
Follow law students who post.
Comment on their posts.
Watch what they do.
Learn LinkedIn alongside them.
Ask them to teach you stuff you don’t know.
Start connecting with new people.
Make friends.
Gain community.
Learn how to use LinkedIn.
Give back to the next generation of lawyers.
Here are 7 hot students to follow right now:
Amanda Freeman —all around best follow
Spencer May —awesome & posts most often
Gabriele Bagdonas —a new friend who’s visited my house!
Michael Roark —a 1L; let’s encourage!!
Trevin Crider —future Biglaw; brings great energy
Katherine Baeppler —shares cool bodybuilder stuff
Joseph K. —posts paralegal writing stuff
(There are more, but that should get you started!!)
Sending cheer—
💌 Amanda
P.S. If you really want to get serious about building your personal brand on LinkedIn, follow my former-lawyer friend,
Anthony Albrecht — his account has THE greatest ENERGY on the platform right now in Legal LinkedIn Land.
He also writes LinkedIn posts for lawyers:
Might that be a good idea for you?