Keeping up with the LinkedIn Algorithm — Fall 2022

�� Most say it’s a fool’s errand to try to keep up with the LinkedIn algorithm. That’s probably
sage advice, but I admit I get curious!

And so, when the great Richard van der Blom published the 2022 Algorithm Report
yesterday, I read it.

There’s a ton to unpack, but here are my top ten takeaways:

1: Since sometime in September, LI started prioritizing big creators with enormous
followings. As a result, 99.9% of us have seen a significant drop in reach. (More on the Sept.
changes are planned for a supplement to the Report.)

2: Posting twice in any 18-hour period decreases the reach of BOTH posts now, not just the
first. Shares & reposts DO count as a post for purposes of decreasing your reach.

3: Engagement during the first 90 minutes is what counts for the algorithm’s “decision”
about whether your post will continue to gain reach during the next 6.5 hours. Engagement
btw 90 mins and 8 hours determines whether the post will continue to gain reach for days

4: Editing your post in the first 10 minutes decreases reach by 10-40%. (The Report does not
say whether editing after 10 mins has any effect.)

5: Being the first to comment on your own post decreases reach by 20%.

6: Recommended hashtag number is 3-5. More than 10 significantly decreases reach.

7: Selfies add 2.5x more reach, and 3x more engagement.

8: Don’t use 2 or more consecutive blank lines.

9: Don’t use a 1-line opener followed by a big gap before the “see more” point.

10: When compared with a “typical” post (which the Report defines as text plus 1 photo), the
following either boost or drain reach:

Boosts: documents, polls, carousels, multiple photos
Drains: external links, videos, articles, newsletters

There is a ton more in the Report, which is free to all, but it’s all a bit overwhelming (and far
more than most will want to know). I hope the above will save you some time.

�� Amanda

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