Is Times New Roman (TNR) “dead”?

Today’s message is inspired by a (Nick Bullard) post from last week and a new book called Elegant Legal Writing out tomorrow by (Ryan McCarl).

Nick’s post said: “Friends don’t let friends use TNR in legal briefs.”

A 2L I know saw the post and promptly sent it to me by DM, asking, “Do you agree?”

I chuckled and said, yes, it’s on the “bad” list for briefs.

I then went to the comments under Nick’s post and learned:

-He likes Book Antiqua
-Verdana is easier for dyslexics
-California rules say you must use TNR, Courier or Arial
-RI rules require TNR—in 14 point font!

Further intrigued, I consulted the advance copy of Ryan’s book to see if it might address the topic, and BAM:

It gave me exactly what I needed—and I think it will be useful to you, too! It’s got a handy list of fonts, “good” and “bad,” amd recommends these 3:

Century Schoolbook
Palatino Linotype
Bookman Antiqua.

I followed up with that law student to confirm what I’d told him, and that’s now one more law student looking forward to this book!

🔹 1Ls:

I don’t think this new font information should affect anything you do for legal-writing class, {I’m sure your prof has specific rules}, but might you think to use one of the best fonts for the writing samples you send out?

(It can’t hurt, I’m just saying.) Oh, and here are the fonts Ryan says you should NOT use:

Courier New

🔹 For all my readers, if you’re into the become-a-better-legal-writer thing, {HINT. HINT—you should be}, check the book out here:

I have not yet done a deep dive into the content—I will bring you word of new insights when I get a chance to read closely—but I did not want to delay letting you know of the release date (which is tomorrow, I think).

I do foresee people talking about the book on here, in the days and weeks ahead, and IRL in months and years to come, so I really do want you to be aware of it!

As I’ve mentioned before, other books on your short list should be—

Bryan Garner’s “Legal Writing in Plain English”
Ross Guberman’s “Point Made.”

💌 Amanda


🗳️ What font do you use?

🗳️ Do folks have preferences for contracts and other non-legal-brief fonts?