Dear 1L: How to Find the Best Briefs to Use as Models for the 1L Brief

Dear 1L, When you have to write -the kind of brief you’ve never written before, on a topic you’ve never written about before, in a court you’ve never practiced in before, please do not start without several good models.

Pull the briefs from the most applicable court cases you’ve found from your research.

Read models from legal writers who are better at writing and have more experience than you.

See how they structure and analyze their discussions on the same issues that you have to write about.

See how they word things.

You can pick up so many phrases and concepts that say almost exactly what you need to say this way.

You will expand your own writing toolbox and become a better legal writer in the process.

Lawyers, 2Ls & 3Ls: What tips do you have for 1Ls starting out on their very first advocacy brief?

💌 Amanda

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