Have Gotten a Job Because of a Connection?

In a breakout session at a networking conference I attended, the speaker asked,

“How many of you have gotten a job because of a connection?”

There must have been at least 100 lawyers in the room.

Every single one raised their hand.

👉 Law students: This is the way to get jobs.

Please don’t wait for OCI!

Now I’ll admit it: big networking conferences are not my thing.

And at this one, I WAS uncomfortable.

I felt awkward and silly at age 55 standing around this big room of women that I didn’t know.

-where will I sit?
-who will I talk to?
-and, most importantly, does my outfit look OK for the day?

But I got through it and eventually found some familiar faces.

Thank you to Erin Dunn for encouraging me to “walk the walk” to back my constant plea to law students that they need to get out there and network.

And thank you to Women Influence & Power in Law (WIPL) for bringing us all together.

💌 Amanda

P.S. If you’re a law student who is not already following Miller Leonard , you need to do so immediately.

Then go read his post from earlier this week about the hidden job market and finding positions outside of the formal, OCI process.

Please network!


Meeting people in real life who you first met on LinkedIn never gets old.

Misty Leon Erin Dunn Suzy Takata Molly Hough, Esq.

I look forward to many more fun get-togethers in the coming years! Love and joy to all— 🌈☀️

—Absent from the photo but in our spirits were Emily Logan Stedman (She was busy winning an award at another WIPL venue!)

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