Five Top Podcasts for New 1Ls

Dear 1L, Hello! I hope your summer has been going well and that you’re getting excited for law school to start.

Most people also feel some anxiety, and as orientation approaches, the fear of uncertainty can come on pretty strong.

I am going to try to alleviate some of that for you by sharing helpful info and tools you can use throughout the year.

To start, I thought you’d enjoy some podcast recommendations.

Here are 3 that former law students cheer (as I share in chapter 1 of my book), PLUS 2 others that I’ve discovered more recently:

1️⃣ The Law School Toolbox.

This podcast is well-rounded, talking about everything from law-school exams to what you should wear on your first day of school. I’d start here, as you’ll find material relevant to the summer before law school.

2️⃣ How I Lawyer.

This one is by a buddy of mine, Jonah Perlin — a lawyer turned Georgetown law professor. Jonah interviews lawyers about how they spend their time and what it is like to do what they do. Check it out as a great way to learn about what type of law you might practice and what type of employer you’ll want to target.

3️⃣ Law to Fact.

I haven’t listened to this one personally, but students laud it profusely for learning legal theory. You might save this one for when law school starts.

4️⃣ The Spivey Podcast.

This one’s by Mike Spivey, founder of the premier law-school admissions firm, Spivey Consulting. In my episode, pre-law coach Jordana Confino interviews me about my new book for 1Ls, and we discuss how students can prepare for legal writing before law school even starts. Here’s a link:

5️⃣ Lawyers in the Making.

Finally, check out this pod by the amazing, pre-law college student, Nate Crespo. Nate interviews lawyers and others in the legal field about how they got to where they are today. If you want to hear about my own career journey, you can listen to my episode here:


There are infinite others, so please do your own research for pods that suit your style, but I hope these 5 can get you started.

That’s it for today. PLEASE write me back!

The more questions and comments I receive from you, the better able I’ll be to write helpful content for future letters.

(I also just really like to meet new people and chat! 🙂)

Wishing happy mojo to you—

💌 Amanda


🗳️ What podcasts do you recommend for new 1Ls?

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