First 1-Star Review

So I got my first 1-star review on Amazon yesterday.

I knew it would happen eventually, but wow, it still sucked.

Last evening, as I played the otherwise terrible day back in my mind, the review was the thing that really stuck in my craw.

Then a real friend came through for me.

And I emphasize “real.”

LinkedIn is real, folks. And it can change your life.


Without my having any advance clue, last night, Miller Leonard posted a recommendation for my book and said the nicest things about me as a teacher. I am so moved and humbled.

Thank you, Miller. 🙏🏻

I truly do feel insecure about certain things, deep down, and that goes especially for work I have poured so much of myself into. “Dear 1L” is definitely something in this category.

Publishing a book is SCARY!

You are putting yourself out there for all the world to judge and find fault with publicly.


There’s where another really good friend comes in, Mark C. Fava.

In the spring, I was having a really hard time thinking of myself as an “author.” (I mean, who am I?)

I wasn’t sure I was getting my book over the finish line at all, much less in time for summer.

Mark, who is also about to publish his first book, then told me the most amazing story:

—He used to attend “new author” meetings at a publishing place that hosted and encouraged members to participate weekly.

—Members sat in a circle with other authors and new authors. Everyone had to go around the room and introduce themselves with the words,

👉 “Hi. I am __, and I am an author.”

Just like at AA meetings!

The story made me feel SO much better about things.

It wasn’t just me.
I wasn’t crazy.
My insecurity did not mean I shouldn’t publish.
It was all going to be ok.

Thank you for that, Mark. 🙏🏻 I will never forget this story—or how you helped me.


I will have many more people to thank for so many things that have happened for me recently. The list is growing longer every day.

But today I’m putting the focus on these two amazing friends I have made through LinkedIn:

Miller Leonard
Mark C. Fava

You should go read both of their recent posts.

Follow them.

Learn from them.

They are great people.

And as real as can be.

💌 Amanda

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