Dear 3L,

😥 In the past few months, I’ve seen several jobless 3Ls’ resumes that have broken my heart.

This is AFTER these resumes have been through multiple career-services-office reviews,

AFTER these resumes have been sent to hundreds of law firms and other prospective employers, and

LONG AFTER the students have been through the formalized OCI process.

And yet,

I’m still finding typos.
I’m still finding formatting errors.
I’m still finding awkwardly constructed bullet entries.
And more.

And so,

If you struck out at OCI,
If you’re not getting interviews, or
If you’re not proceeding past the first round,

The answer may be as simple as your damn resume.

And I don’t mean your GPA, experience, or law school cache.

I mean your resume.

PLEASE examine your resume again.
Read it aloud.
Read it backwards.
Put it in a different font.
Blow it up 200% and scrutinize.
Let as many friends & family members as possible review it.

Just PLEASE make sure it’s not as simple as the damn resume itself.


💌 Amanda


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