Dear 2L: How many extracurriculars should you do?

📧 Dear 2L,

Facing the broad array of extracurriculars you might pursue this year can be dizzying. How to make sense of them all and find what works best for you?

Here are some thoughts.



Some law students send me resumes that recite long lists of groups and organizations in which the student is a “Member.” I am not impressed. 

    🔻 That type of laundry list tells me no more than that you signed up for something and attended a few meetings. 

Instead, pick 1-2 (or 3, max) and invest yourself fully in them.  

    ✏️ Become an elected leader.  

    ✏️ Start a new group initiative.  

    ✏️ Accomplish something tangible you can talk about in job interviews.

⭐️ Extracurriculars offer wonderful opportunities to develop leadership and teamworking skills. You can also forge close bonds with classmates, relationships with faculty advisors. All these experiences are resume, networking, and job-interview gold.

➖ Thus, don’t just join a group or club to say you did. This isn’t an exercise like amassing “college suck.”  Pick those pursuits that align most with your interests and goals, and try to make something to show for it. ➖

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(2)     WHICH ONES?

I see extracurriculars as falling within two buckets—those “scholastic” in nature, and those not. I’d choose one from the top bucket.


    🔹 1.—Law Review & Journals.  For almost all, a chance to be on law review is a no-brainer. The benefits of other journals may also be too great to turn down—especially if you aim to publish a note, or become an elected editor. 

    🔹 2.—Moot Court & Mock Trial. These, too, are deemed prestigious, and, like reviews and journals, they require a big time commitment. Most students strive for either law review/journal or moot court/mock trial. A few each year pursue two. You’ll have to decide what works for you.

    🔹 3.—Outside Internships, Clinics & Employment. These run the full gamut, and I am all for them. You may get writing or courtroom experience here that rivals other scholastic offerings.


Into this second bucket, I put all other activities—affinity groups, charitable organizations, student bar associations, and the like.

Choices vary widely depending on school. 

    ✏️ Pick activities that match your strengths, interests, and goals. 

    ✏️ And again, invest fully in anything you do—don’t just join to say you did.


Finally, thank you from deep in me for all your helpful responses and thank you notes to my first “Dear 2L” letter. You touched my heart and helped me to keep going.

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3Ls and JDs: 

  • Which extracurriculars did you pursue? 

  • Which did you find most valuable?

  • What would you advise riging 2Ls?


💌 Amanda

P.S. Follow —> #Dear1L (1,436 followers) for future letters in your feed.


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