Dear 1L: Hard Work

Dear 1L,

This year doesn’t seem to let up. You’ve had to jump from one, high-stress critical task to another, high-stress, critical task, and then on to yet another.

Your hard work has not gone unnoticed. I think about you all the time. I know other people on here think about you regularly, too.

We know this year takes a huge toll. We know you need more sleep. You need time to relax with friends, with family. You need time for stressless do-nothingness, where you think about nothing and just veg. Preferably in the warm sun. That’s what I long for, anyway.

I want to do and say, from afar, whatever I might do or say to help. Please just ask.

Also, I know I’ve been posting a lot of “all-business,” serious stuff recently—about legal writing, oral arguments, etc. But I didn’t want to not tell you that a lot of people are thinking about you. We are all rooting you on. Your tireless work is noticed. It is extraordinary.

I pray that you are finding superhuman, adrenaline-fueled strength to carry you through. If not, I am always up for a pep talk, or a DM/email chat. Please do not hesitate to reach out.

Finally, I have, in hand, near-final drafts of a self-editing checklist for your briefs, as well as Part 3 of my oral argument tips. I am leaving tomorrow to spend a week with my mom (82) in Rhode Island, and I fear I won’t have time to turn my drafts into final, public posts before I go. Will try for later this week.

That said, you can just comment or DM me (I have it set so anyone can, without using “In-mail”). I can send both the checklist and Part 3 to you directly.

I know that many of you may go social-media free as exams approach. You can always reach me by email in these coming weeks, too.

Sending energy and good cheer. This too, shall end.



P.S. Follow —> #Dear1L on LinkedIn to receive future letters.

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