Amanda’s Archive

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Amanda’s Archive

Dear 1L: MSJ Primer

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Dear 1L, Most of you are writing summary judgment briefs this spring. You approach…

Dear 1L: Interview Tips

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Dear 1L, I have been conducting mock Zoom interviews of law students during the…

Recent Posts

First 1-Star Review

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So I got my first 1-star review on Amazon yesterday. I knew it would…

Look Left; Look Right

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Dear 1L, I hate the saying, “Look left; look right;3 years from now, only…

Building on Rented Land

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I’ve made a lot of mistakes when building my brand. 1️⃣ Remember #Dear1L? Yeah,…

Wacky Ways of Writing

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Dear 1L, Lawyers have some wacky ways of writing things. Learn these today so…

LinkedIn Writing

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Writing on LinkedIn causes soul-crushing angst. Three years ago, I started a pinboard to…

Interviews With Lawyers

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Dear 2L, As you approach interviews with lawyers, learn these common lawyer titles: IN-HOUSE…