Amanda’s Archive

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Amanda’s Archive

Dear 1L: MSJ Primer

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Dear 1L, Most of you are writing summary judgment briefs this spring. You approach…

Dear 1L: Interview Tips

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Dear 1L, I have been conducting mock Zoom interviews of law students during the…

Recent Posts

Dear 1L

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Dear 1L, Here is a tip for writing advocacy briefs this semester. ✏️ Write…

Dear 1L,

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Dear 1L, How are you feeling about Con Law? I confess, I was terrified….

Dear 1L Fall Grades

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Dear 1L, I have been trying to think of more ways you might change…

Dear 1L

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I hope you are ok. Everyone is in some state of reeling, it seems,…

Dear 1L Resume Tip

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Dear 1L, I am writing to explain something simple you can do to make…

Dear 1L

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Dear 1L, It is a bit of an uncertain, anxious time, now. Waiting for…