What is an IRAC Exam & How do I write an IRAC Essay?

Dear 1L,

Doctrinal classes teach you to:
—read legal rules & cases;
—see both sides of an issue.

Writing classes teach you to:
—use cases & citations;
—write both sides of an issue in a memo.

But your final exams will test how to:
—structure an exam essay;
—write both sides in an exam essay.

So here’s my question:


(I’ve always wanted to shout that question.)


So over the next couple weeks, I’m going to try to teach you what the nonexistent “exam class” would have—right in my letters and posts, right here on LinkedIn.

It’s a big challenge, but I’m going to try really hard to go step-by-step, methodically, so that I am clear.

Attached is Exam Post No. 1.


💌 Amanda

P.S. I will be pretty out of pocket for the holidays starting tomorrow afternoon. (All 3 of my girls will be home; my mother and cousins are staying with us; and we have 18 for dinner Thursday.)

But please keep your questions coming! I will be checking my comments and emails.

I am most apt to answer IF you (a) put questions in a comment to my most recent post, or (b) email me through Dear1L dot com. (Keeping up with LinkedIn DMs is getting tough. Thank you. 🙏🏻)

P.P.S. I pray you’ll have some down time this week, too. Please know, each day, I’ll always think of you. 🩷


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