Dear 1L Resume Tip

Dear 1L,

I am writing to explain something simple you can do to make your resumes appear more professional. I also supply an addendum to an earlier post.


I believe that all, or most, law school career offices advise you to include your LinkedIn address with your name and contact info atop your resume. Did you know you can customize the URL?

The default will have lots of letters and numbers after your name. You can remove them, as well as style your name however you want.

Here is how:

BROWSER (Easiest):

Click on your picture and go to your profile. In the upper right corner, see “Edit your custom URL.” Click the stylus and edit.

IPAD (App)

Go to your PUBLIC profile.

1. If this is not immediately apparent: in the top section of your regular profile page, the buttons “Open To,” “Add Section,” and “…” appear. Click on the three dots. This will open a list of three options. The third is “Contact info.” Click on that.

2. A menu will appear with your personal info. Go to the top item, “Profile,” under which appears your url.

3. Click on the stylus pencil in the upper right corner of the Contact menu box (or click on the url). That will take you to your public profile. In the upper right corner, you can edit and personalize your URL.

I have yet to figure out how to edit through the phone App—please share if you know how to do!


Since I mentioned samples on Yale’s site, a different version of the site has been published that requires an ID to access. Kind of eerie. Will assume was just a coincidence!

In any event, I had printed all samples out, and I have, if you need, but I found similar samples available on other top law school sites (which shall remain nameless here!).

I sincerely apologize if I created any confusion for you!

Sending you off with optimistic thoughts and excitement for the bright, bright future careers you all have in front of you!



P.S. Follow 👉 #Dear1L to see future posts. (I am in the process of adding this hashtag to past 1L posts, so that all are in one place for you that may be easier to navigate than my profile.)

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