Dear 1L — Reading Samples

Dear 1L,

I’ve been studying 1L subjects (as I periodically do, during the semester, just to keep up with what you are thinking about), and I am reminded today by how much I like reading model essay answers.

They teach the law to me (or bring it back to me, as I suppose I know it all already, deep down.) In any event, model answers explain the current aggregate law on an issue. They act as teachers of the law, much the way judges do when writing their opinions. Model answers apply the current state of the law to new fact patterns. You must do that, too, when you sit to take exams.

Copy a model answer. You don’t even have to read the question stem (although you will grow to want to). Type the answer out. Retype every word. Commit it to memory: the law as applied to a new fact pattern. You will start to know it, and to own it as your own thinking.

Worth a try?

Curious to hear what you think. Good luck—another studying Sunday afternoon.



P.S. Follow —> #Dear1L to receive future letters.



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