Dear 1L: Map Everything

Dear 1L,

I did three things that got me success in the end. I did all of them during “exam week” of every semester, for all three years of law school. Maybe they will work for you, too. 

Consider trying one or all of them for your next week or so.


🔹 Create a task map for each day.

✏️ Mapping how you will spend each time period of each day, aka time blocking, is a widely-recognized method to maximize efficiency. You designate specific time ranges on your calendar for different courses and tasks. After that, you only worry only about the task assigned to the time block you’re in. During that block, think of nothing else. 

✏️ Mapping time in advance has many benefits. One is that it removes counterproductive transitions after each task is complete. 

What will you do next?  What should you do next? 

Those are debilitating questions that sap energy. Have all those questions answered in advance. Then, don’t think, just do.


🔹 Go to sleep each night at the same time. Wake up each morning at the same time. Every day. Permit zero debate when that alarm clock goes off in the morning. Just go.

✏️ Get into a rhythm. That way, you can turn on auto-pilot, keeping all fuel reserves for thinking about your course materials. 


🔹 Plan what and when you will eat each day, in advance. There will be time for fun food and drink choices soon. It’s just a week or two.

For now, pretend you are in the military. Keep your mind and body in peak performance shape. It’s unpleasant. But it’s not for long. You can do anything for a few short weeks.

✏️ Less decision-making = more mental energy saved. 

Boiled down, the gist is this:  

Don’t just “wing it” each day during exam week(s). Decision-fatigue is real. The more decisions you eliminate, the less fatigue you’ll feel. That is good.

I’m thinking of you every day. I’ll look into that magic wand thing, but in the meantime, I am sending you strength and resolve through these words:

I know how grueling it is. I’ll remember forever. I’m here cheering for you. You’ve got this.



P.S. Follow —> #Dear1L on LinkedIn to receive future letters.

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