Last September, I had less than 600 connections and more than a little self-doubt. But I shared my first original post.

I’ve gained a lot of insight into networking on LinkedIn this past year. I’m still very much a learner, but here are 5 tips that I hope will help you.


1: I used to think that when I posted, my post would be sent to the feeds of all my connections. That is not true.

🔹 Unless other people engage with your post, the Algorithm distributes it only to a small fraction of your network. (I’ve read estimates of less than 20%, though the Algorithm is always changing.)

🔹 If you want a greater number of views by people in your network (and beyond), you need to get engagement. That takes work.

2: Give—often with no short-term return.

🔹 Be helpful. People like helpful people.

3: Comment on others’ posts. The most successful connections often come after commenting. That is especially true if you seek something.

🔹 If you have nothing to say but want to show your support, pick one nice thing about the post or the person posting. Or pass this time.

🔹 If you have nothing nice or respectful to say, just move on.

🔸 Trolling will make you enemies and get you blocked quickly. It’s just not worth it.

4: Don’t tag someone in a post unless (a) your post directly recommends or praises them, or (b) you’ve asked and received advance permission. Tag sparingly.

🔹 Never mass-tag a long list of names. I’m not sure of anyone who enjoys being subjected to that.

5: If you are fortunate enough to get a networking call scheduled with someone you’ve met on here, and you’re hoping to receive some eventual benefit, do your research first.

🔹 Don’t waste someone’s time asking them to tell you what you can read in their profile.


Finally, thank you. Thank you to every one of you who has helped make Dear 1L possible this past year. My world has become far broader and more rewarding than I ever could have imagined.

Please share any LinkedIn networking tips that have helped you!


💌 Amanda

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