Dear 1L: LinkedIn legal peeps to follow
Dear 1L,
I was thinking about people (in the legal, LinkedIn world) who post original content regularly—substantive content, not sales. Their posts really seem to resonate with law students (and seasoned lawyers).
There are many, many names that I am forgetting, surely, but the names below came to me first, off the top of my head. I thought that, even if incomplete, the list could be helpful for you.
Maybe you already follow all, or most, of these people. Or, maybe you are just starting out on LinkedIn and trying to cultivate the content in your feed so you see more of what you want to see there.
(It has taken me a while to get the algorithm to make my feed most relevant to me. Thought the below might save you time.)
Here’s my short list:
Jay Harrington
Scott Oliver
Lisa ⚖️ Lang
James D. Smith
Miller Leonard
Laura Genovich
Kelley Keller, Esq.
Katie Lipp
✏️ What names would you add to this list?
P.S. Follow —> #Dear1L to receive future letters.