Dear 1L: Law Review Write-On Competition 1

Dear 1L,


I’m working on an end-of-exams congratulations letter,

but I know you have a big legal writing competition first.

Below are some initial thoughts for you.


🔹 First, don’t panic or get defeated. You’re going to receive a huge competition packet, and you’ll run out of printer toner making a hard copy. Consider buying a back-up cartridge now—and more paper, too.


🔹 Second, don’t let the volume of material overwhelm you. It’s no more than what you faced for your 1L memo or brief. It just looks enormous, because it’s everything that you’re accustomed to gathering piecemeal.


You need to break it into smaller, more manageable steps.


🔹 In that vein, and third, if you have a separate citations test, consider starting that part first. It’s laborious, but it’s not a heavy lift, brainpower-wise. It may be easier to start there, while your mind comes down off Con Law and other doctrinal topics.


I’ll have more to say about the writing part of the competition and summer jobs, coming up, but I wanted to get this out there for you today.


⭐️ I am so overjoyed and proud of you for getting through exams. It’s been an epic year, and you deserve a long, pampered vacation. But I’m with you in this until the end, and we’ve got one more piece to go.







P.S. Follow —> #Dear1L (1,044 followers) to receive future letters.









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