Dear 1L: “It depends”

Dear 1L,

You all must be getting quite sick of hearing, “It depends.” That, plus you keep reading virtually identical cases with diametrically different results.


It seems backwards. You got into law school because you showed you knew how to find “correct” answers. But in law school, as you’re coming to see, there often is no “correct” answer.

Instead, there are simply two different points of view, both thoroughly convinced that their answer is right. Which side wins often turns on fine factual distinctions and their attorneys’ ability to wield the legal standards convincingly.

🔹 Your job is thus not to figure out what a court’s resolution “should” be. That’s often futile.

🔹 Your job is to master the tools to argue the case for BOTH sides.

In real life, you often don’t get to decide which side you represent.

* * *

I know it all can feel daunting. It is early. You will have time to “get it.”

⭐️ BUT . . . If you started mid-August, the time to start looking at and trying to answer practice tests is now. Please don’t wait until after any midterms. The sooner you start to practice the exam-taking skill, the sooner that you, too, will master it.

Thinking of you and sending good cheer for a successful week.


💌 Amanda

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