Dear 1L: Inspiration from Brand New 1L, Hayley Parenti

Dear 1L,

“If everyone chipped in to help those coming after them, the law profession could easily be filled with amazing lawyers. . . .  And law schools could be filled with more confident, happy students.”

I almost fell from my chair.  What refreshing words to hear from a new law student!  Our broken profession may have a chance after all.

*          *          *
Hayley Parenti started her 1L accelerated program just this past May, but she’s already working to help those coming after her. 

When I heard her background, I knew the quoted sentiments weren’t mere platitudes or sound bites. Hayley walks the talk.

            ▪️ At age 12, Hayley was already signing petitions for a stay of execution through Amnesty International.

            ▪️ In college, she started an Amnesty International Chapter and ran it all four years. 

            ▪️ In September 2018, she joined the Peace Corps and left for Cameroon, where she served for years as Community Health Specialist.  

After returning to the U.S. and working in various roles to help those most impacted by the pandemic, Hayley is now off to the races in a 2-year accelerated program at Suffolk Law School.

I’ll leave you with some more of her inspiring words as she seeks to fulfill her quest to solve the world’s human right’s problems.  

            ▫️ “I just want to help people in whatever way they need my help.” 

            ▫️ “Maybe they do need me to be the one front and center yelling for justice, or maybe they just want me in the background, supporting them so that in the moments they start doubting themselves they can look behind them and see me in their corner, believing in them.”

            ▫️ “When it comes down to it, I just want to help people.”

*          *          *

Please do reach out to Hayley—she’s a keeper!


💌 Amanda

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