Dear 1L: In your Reader’s Shoes

Dear 1L,

When self-editing, put yourself in your Reader’s shoes. 

Your Reader may be your professor, boss, partner, law clerk, or judge. But all share common characteristics:

🔹 They are susceptible to boredom and distraction (like us all). 

🔹 They are busy. 

🔹 They have a lot to read. 

Collectively, these characteristics tell us a lot about what we need to do as Writers. 

Here are a few.


I doubt any Reader has ever finished reading a legal brief and thought, “I am disappointed. I wish it had stretched on for a few more pages.”

📍 Cut any facts that neither advance your story nor matter to your argument or theme. 

📍 Also cut unnecessary words. I’ve posted before with several examples.

I love the word “prolixity.” I first learned it from Justice Scalia, in an interview he gave to Bryan Garner:

Q:     “What are the main shortcomings of the briefs that you typically say?”  

A:     “Prolixity, probably.”

—Justice Antonin Scalia, as quoted in Bryan A. Garner, 13 The Scribes Journal of Legal Writing 53 (2010).

Do use the word “prolixity.” 📍 Don’t let it be said of your writing.


If our writing is hard to follow, it will not inform our Reader, much less persuade our Reader of anything (except perhaps that our points are UNpersuasive).

📍 Avoid ambiguous words and clauses—the ones that could mean more than one thing. 

📍 Don’t leave the Reader guessing about the identity of your verb subjects. 🤔 Prefer an active voice.

📍 Sentences, too, should be shorter than we think. ✂️

✏️ BE CAPTIVATING (or at least engaging). 

The point is:  don’t bore your Reader. 😴

Our Reader needs an interesting narrative and a smooth recitation of legal points. 

Use pinpoint subheadings as signposts. Without these, your Reader may get lost. 🤷‍♂️ A lost Reader is not following you and is unlikely to agree with your arguments. 

Make your brief a pleasure for your Reader. 🥰

Legal writing can be boring. Don’t let your brief be so.

Effective writing wil chauffeur your Reader through the legal concepts in your case. Make your Reader’s journey bump-free.

“You want to take the judge by the hand and lead them along.” But if the judge is “slogging through each sentence…reading becomes a real chore, as opposed to a pleasure.” 

— Justice John G. Roberts, Garner, supra, at 11.

*    *    *

Next time you edit, try on your Reader’s shoes. It will give you a fresh perspective and help your writing resonate.



P.S. Follow —> #Dear1L (885 followers) to receive future letters.





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