Dear 1L: Don’t Let Early Results Define You

Dear 1L,

Waiting for results is the worst—especially at this stage of your law career.

Every result may seem like an identity badge.

Where do you attend law school?

What was GPA? 

What job did you get for 1L Summer? 

Did you make a law journal?

You must be quite sick of results—and waiting for them—by now.  And OCI will mean only more results. More waiting.

Each time can feel like the results will make or break you. 

Don’t let them.

Millions of successful lawyers did not get the initial results they’d hoped for.

Focus now on having JD and Lawyer as your future badges. You’re going to be just fine.


💌 Amanda

P.S. Follow —> #Dear1L (1,293 followers) to see future letters in your feed.




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