Dear 1L: My 3 Top Tips for Writing an IRAC exam

Dear 1L, Here are 3 top pointers for writing an IRAC essay exam:

1️⃣ Brainstorm and outline your answer before you start to write.

If I had allotted 1 hr. for a question, I’d typically spend at least 15 minutes thinking about, planning, and organizing my essay before starting to write.

The more disciplined you can be about this pre-writing work, the more organized and thorough your final product will be.

Resist the urge to start writing right away when you’ve read a question.

2️⃣ Consider both sides of every issue before reaching a conclusion.

This means that for each element of a legal issue, you should present all logical arguments for each side. Don’t jump to what you think the ultimate outcome will be. You need to include all logical arguments for each side in your essay.

Sometimes, one or more elements of a legal issue will be so one-sided from the hypo that there are no logical arguments for one side. (You’ll end up discussing those elements only briefly in your final essay.)

Unless you go through the thought process of brainstorming arguments for each side on each element, you risk overlooking something your professor expects you to discuss.

3️⃣ Add “because” to your legal conclusions.

“Because” is a powerful word. It ties the specific facts from the hypo to your legal reasoning and conclusions.

E.g., Instead of writing, “A court would likely conclude there was a valid offer,” write, “A court would likely conclude there was a valid offer because __ [insert reasoning based on relevant facts, cases, or policies].”

Alternatively, instead of writing, “P has shown there was a valid offer,” write, “P has shown there was a valid offer because __.”

(These are just random examples for illustration. It is challenging to write about IRAC in the abstract, but I don’t want to lead you astray with too many generic Rule elements stated in words that your professor may not use.)

📬 What questions do you have for me?

📬 What exam pointers would you add?

I am thinking of you always. Just a few more weeks and you get a long break!


💌 Amanda

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