Dear 1L,
When I stopped practicing law in 2016, I didn’t expect the harshest part to be losing so many friends.
People in the go-go, law-firm-corporate-legal world are busy.
I’d fallen out of the loop. I didn’t have anything interesting to say anymore, I suppose, so they just stopped calling. I get it.
So when I started posting on LinkedIn 2 years ago, I hoped to rekindle some former friendships. What I did NOT expect to find was:
-so many NEW friends, or
-so many new, loyal followers.
For all 30,000+ of you today, I am deeply grateful.
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You have changed my life and brightened my world more than you could know.
—When you do something brand new (and arguably risky)—especially when it’s something no one you know IRL has ever done—it can seem like you’re on an island.
—Being a content creator on LinkedIn is not for the faint of heart, either.
(And it’s “faint,” not “feint”; I checked. )
Please help me appreciate these amazing, fellow lawyers who post substantive, actionable legal content regularly.
Their energy will brighten your feed, and I know you’ll learn something new from them, too.
Christine Uri
Chad Aboud
Miller Leonard
Scott Oliver
Cherise Bacalski
Emily Logan Stedman
Shaun Sethna
Lindsey Lawton
Shari E. Belitz, Esq.
Jenn Deal
Valerie Madamba, JD
These lawyers are not just “on LinkedIn.”
They’re the real deal.
I am very lucky to have found them.
And you all should feel lucky to follow them, too.
P.S. There IS community after your last lawyer job. You just have to look for it on LinkedIn. I hope more of you will start.
Since sharing my first post, I have:
-received job offers
-appeared on podcasts
-secured brand collaborations
-helped thousands of law students
-helped thousands of legal writers
-grown a new home business
-become a daily writer
-found fulfillment
And much, much more.
Won’t you come join the party?
Please let me know if you do.
I’d love to support you, too.
BONUS: Drop a link to your most recent post, and I will engage. Let’s celebrate community together today