Dear 1L,

On Oct. 1, I set out to start putting together all my letters into some sort of “book.” (It’s scary to say that out loud.)

I also started a “book journal,” so I’d have someone to talk to.

It’s been a lonely road, so far.

Going round and round in my own head.
Listening to people who put me down.
Second-guessing all my ideas.
Putting myself down.

It’s helped me to know that we’re sort of on a similar journey this fall, and with your memo: Trying to figure out something very difficult, for the very first time, all on your own.

I’ve identified both some negative self-talk for me to avoid, and also some positive affirmations that help. I hope they might help you, too:

❌ This self-talk is FALSE & self-defeating:

-“It shouldn’t be taking this long.”
-“I feel like I’m writing the same thing over and over again and going nowhere.”
-“What is wrong with me that I can’t do this???” 🤯

✅ Try these TRUE statements instead:

-“Legal writing takes EVERYONE longer than they expect.”
-“Legal writing IS hard. Otherwise, every Joe Blo could do it.”
-“Doing ANYTHING for the very first time is harder.” 🌈

We can both get through this!!!

Please know I am cheering for you, always—

🗳️ If you have any bright ideas for me, I’m all ears, too. 🙏🏻

💌 Amanda


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