3 questions you should NOT ask a law student this Thanksgiving

3 questions you should NOT ask a law student this Thanksgiving:

1: What kind of lawyer are you going to be?
2: Where will you be working this summer?
3: Where will you be working after law school?

🔸 For 1Ls, they likely have absolutely no idea.

Your questions will surely cause great stress. They will remind 1Ls that they actually need to be applying for summer jobs now, or soon (traditionally, most jobs have application deadlines sometime in January). 1Ls cannot take any unnecessary stress right now. They have exams right after the holiday. Please do not add to their stress.

🔸 For 2Ls, many will also have no idea.

They may know what they’d like to do in an ideal world, but law students often have less power over choosing their initial jobs than one might think. The stakes are even higher for 2Ls, too, because they are farther along, which will increase the stress your questions cause.

🔸 For 3Ls, if they don’t have a job lined up yet, these questions will mean MAXIMUM stress.

You wouldn’t ask a jobless person these questions. Please don’t risk it with a law student.
SO, how do you express interest and support without causing stress?

(That’s a harder question, and one on which I open the floor to law students and anyone who’s navigated family gatherings with a former law student. Let’s brainstorm!)

đź’Ś Amanda

🗳️ How would you advise parents & family/friends to approach these topics with law students this Thanksgiving?


P.S. Here are some opening ideas for discussion.

🔹 One idea could be to say:

“I know you’re in law school. That and the whole legal job world must be stressful. I’d love to hear about everything you’re thinking if you feel like talking about. . . .”
—Then, take their lead.

🔹 Another is to say something like:

“You probably have no clue what you’re doing next at this point?” —That way, if they do want to talk about things, they can correct you and start talking, letting you know it’s a safe topic.

🔹 Finally, if you might be in a position to help get them a job, PLEASE OFFER to help!


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