Dear 1L,

Dear 1L,

Please don’t be one of those 1Ls who “plays things by ear.”

You need a plan.

Sleep must be a key component.

Start a non-negotiable, full-night-of-sleep schedule, and start it now. You’ll likely need to practice & get acclimated so you can hit the ground running on 1L Day 1.

I found that the ideal for me was 8 or 9pm to 5am. That way, I got 8-9 full hours with several hours free in the early morning to exercise & study before my 10am class. (Obviously, adjust for your own schedule; most need less sleep than me.)

But whatever schedule you choose, make sure you’ll have a solid chunk of free time before your first class.

The early morning is the very best time to read. 
👉 There are fewer distractions.
👉 Your eyes and brain are well rested. 
👉 You’ll read faster & retain material better than the night before.

The science on this is beyond debate: Sleep is a superpower.

Why would anyone try to do law school without it?

💌 Amanda


P.S.  If you’re new to LinkedIn & my letters, welcome! I’m a legal writing coach for lawyers & law students. I’ll have a letter or two a week with new tips for you.


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