Dear 1L – 1L Summer Jobs

Dear 1L,

I am happy for all those of you who have heard about summer plans. I cringe though, thinking about those who are still waiting and not knowing.

This time last year, many of you were waiting and not knowing where you would be going to law school. Look how far you have come!!!

When waiting, and pacing mentally, and feeling so undecided inside, take a moment to stop and think about how far you have come. This time last year must feel like it was in a different universe, you have grown and experienced so much since then. Your brain pathways are not even the same as they were.

So, my message today, is this. Congratulate yourself and feel proud. Let yourself feel pride. You have so very very much to be proud of.

This waiting, too, will pass. It is all going to work out.



P.S. For all you who do know where you are going, I am sincerely overjoyed for you. For all of you, I can’t wait to follow you as your journey to becoming a lawyer proceeds.

P.P.S. Follow —> #Dear1L to receive future letters.




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