How to Succeed in 1L Legal Writing
💌 Dear 1L, If you want to succeed in legal writing, you’ll need to…
💌 Dear 1L, If you want to succeed in legal writing, you’ll need to…
💌 Dear 1L, 1L legal writing was the one course I did NOT fear….
💌 Dear 1L, Don’t worry about cold calls. I get it. I was worried,…
💌 Dear 1L, My goal is to help new law students get started on…
Dear 1L, In case you’ve been away, here’s a recap on advice to help…
Making friends in law school.
💌 Dear 1L, OCI writing samples: 3 steps to increase the odds yours is…
Advice on OCI Writing Samples
Dear 1L, The first interview question you’ll likely be asked is “Tell me about…