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Dear 1L,

When you’re new to legal writing, it’s natural to think: —Courts’ words sound better…


Dear 1L,

On Oct. 1, I set out to start putting together all my letters into…


Dear 1L,

Better legal writers write: better briefs.better motions.better petitions.better letter briefs.better client updates.better law review…


Dear 1L,

👉 Get your sample 1L Memo here— Dear 1L, As you know, law-school ethics…


Dear 1L,

I had IRAC. Most now teach CREAC. There’s also CRAC, TRAC, and TREAC. I…


Dear 1L,

Imagine the Reader of your Memo will be someone who just graduated law school—a…


Dear 1L, 

When you refer to your own case in your Memo, follow this tip. Stay…


Dear 3L,

😥 In the past few months, I’ve seen several jobless 3Ls’ resumes that have…


Dear 1L,

After you complete research for your Memo, you may have WAY too many cases…