Dear 1L,

I just had the most delightful conversation with an SEO expert, Barb Davids. It was only four days ago that we connected, yet in 45 minutes, Barb taught me more about writing online than I could imagine gaining in any course.

🔹 She assessed some of my Writing Law Tips.

🔹 She pulled up “analytics” tools I’d never heard of.

⭐️ And she derived a half dozen or so tiny word tweaks to stop Google from blocking people from seeing my Tips.

I am still a bit in awe. Barb did all of the above simply because a mutual connection introduced us. And she refused to take a cent. It was just an “introductory” call, and Barb just “like[s] to be helpful.”

In any event, this is my thank you.

Whether you’re an SEO pro or more like me, (who knows (now) a little more than that SEO means “search engine optimization”), I highly recommend following Barb and starting to learn.

The bonus is that Barb happens to be an incredibly warm, patient, and fun teacher, too.

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