Dear 1L: Don’t worry about cold calls.

💌 Dear 1L,

Don’t worry about cold calls. I get it. I was worried, too. Scenes from movies about law school made it all seem beyond stressful. I wasn’t quite sure how I would handle them. I mean, I had always been good at class participation (when I wanted to be), but everyone said law school was so different. 

Here’s some info to help you.


The cold calls I’m talking about are part of the Socratic Method—a mainstay of first-year law school. There’s far less talk by the professor, far more participation by you. 

▫️    Rather than explain the reading, the professor calls on a student and conducts a Q&A, where the student answers questions about the reading and what it means.

Most questions are about 1/ what happened in a case and whether it was right, and 2/ what the case means for future situations.

🔹 1/ Questions about cases include queries like: who were the parties? What was the theory of liability? Which side won? What did the court hold? Why? Do you agree?

    🔸    After the first week or so, these kinds of questions will seem routine to you.  Just do the reading carefully and know the answers to the basic questions I list about each case, you’ll feel fine answering these types of questions.

🔹 2/ The harder questions involve hypotheticals. 

    🔸 These types of questions ask you to think beyond the reading. You’ll often need to consider new fact patterns on the spot, and then describe how you think a court could or should rule on those facts. 

    🔸 The good news is that today, most profs. give you some sort of advance notice, such as by designating a group of students to be “on call” for specified weeks. 


✏️ A TIP

When a prof. calls on you with a hypothetical question:

—> Do not try to get the “right” answer. 

⭐️ The goal is not to know that answer, but to identify the strongest arguments that can be made for, and then against, that answer.

🔹 What could one party say that would sway you to rule their way?

🔹 Next, how might the opposing party sway you the other way?

    -If you think of good arguments to bolster one side’s case, the professor might then call on another student to take the opposite view. 

    -Then there’s a sort-of modified debate, where more students may get brought into the conversation.

Remember this key for law school essay exams, too: —> It is not the “right” answer that’s the point.  The point is identifying the best arguments for both answers.

*    *    *

♦️ What cold-call Tips do you have for incoming 1Ls?


💌 Amanda

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