Dear 1L: How to Get Started on LinkedIn

💌 Dear 1L,

My goal is to help new law students get started on LinkedIn.

LinkedIn can seem scary sometimes. I still find that today, nearly one year into my own journey here.  But I’ve learned that the legal community on here is very supportive.  Lots of us have reached a point in life when we really want to give back.

But if you’re only lurking on here, we’ll have no idea that you might want to engage and get some guidance.

I’ve also found that taking chances is the better way on LinkedIn, even when you know that your efforts might flop.  Some days, the stars do align just right, and a little magic can happen for you here, too.

So, here’s my challenge:

✏️ If you’re starting law school this fall, share a quick introduction in the comments below.  Here are some ideas for what you might say:

🔹 Hi. I’m starting law school and learning about how to use LinkedIn. I’d like to learn about how to ___.

🔹 I’m interested in pursuing and learning about these areas of law: ____.

🔹 I don’t know yet what kind of lawyer I want to be, but these are my current areas of interest: ____.

🔹 I’m attending law school in ___, and I’m interested in practicing in ____ [city or state].

🔹 Anything at all about yourself that is not already in what’s listed under your profile name.

Please don’t feel constrained by the above examples, either.  Anything respectful that you say will be greatly appreciated.

✏️ Finally, here are some names to get you started:  

Miller Leonard

Jordan Gardner

Kyle Ryman

Bree Vcukek

Jonathan Koehler

⭐️ If you are a 2L, 3L, 4L, lawyer, or other legal professional who is willing to help a new law student by connecting with them or talking to them about certain select experiences or topics, please share, so that people will feel safer reaching out to you!

Here’s to hoping that the stars align for new 1Ls today.


💌 Amanda

July 24, 2022

P.S. Follow —> #Dear1L (1,352 followers) for future letters in your feed.




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