Dear 1L: Try speaking the explanation out lous

Dear 1L,

When you write your first legal memo, you may feel like you understand (sort of) a legal analysis in your head, but you can’t seem to get it to make sense on paper.

The words just don’t flow.

If that happens, try this:

🔹 Speak the explanation aloud.

🔹 Record yourself.

🔹 Transcribe the recording—verbatim—not making any edits. Don’t let yourself think, just transcribe.

Now you have something on paper, and you can edit from there.

⭐️ It is SO much easier to edit something there than it is to write from scratch on a blank page.

✏️ Let me know what other general legal writing struggles you might have. I’ll write a letter trying to help.


💌 Amanda

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