Personal Branding: My Birthday

💌 Today is my birthday (53), so I’m feeling brave. Here’s a bit about me.

I am a mother and a wife. My daughters have always been my biggest source of pride, and my husband my biggest source of support. I am very lucky. But this September has been challenging.

▪️ Mom has really been aging. I haven’t even begun to process. She is moving this fall.

▪️ This fall is also my first with an empty nest. The adjustment is harder than expected. It has been made worse by Matt’s suddenly traveling so much for work. It’s unsettling.

▪️ Being an “entrepreneur,” (or whatever word they call you when you start a business), can be lonely. One thing I really miss about BigLaw is that there were always peers with whom to share stories and lessons learned.

On an upbeat note:

▫️ I’m now just past one full year of writing publicly. I had no idea how many would read what I write. It has been more than I ever could have imagined. Thank you for making me feel like part of a community on LinkedIn.

▫️ Today, two of my girls are coming home for my birthday! I’ll be trying to soak in every moment with them this weekend.

Sending you some extra joy in your day—


đź’Ś Amanda

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