Dear 1L

Dear 1L,

For some of you, tomorrow will be a hard day.  

Today, just thinking about it as I wake, dread starts. Sadness seeps in.

How is Father’s Day for you this year?

I hope the day is only filled with joy, and I obviously say a heartfelt happy day to all the wonderful dads who are reading this. 

But if today is a tough one for you, or bittersweet—
or even if it means a dreaded call to one who is estranged—
or to no one still here to call at all, 
I am with you. I wish you comfort.

We are all just making it through every day with our own circumstances.

*    *    *

My friend Kelley—an extraordinary writer about events from her past—advises that when we post about something difficult and personal, we must only write “from the scar, not the wound,” or words to that effect.

Otherwise, the writing becomes too self-indulgent, among other issues. And so, I will spare you my words about Dad.  Too sad.  

*    *    *

I also regret that I cannot find a good digital picture to post. I have many of the old, film-camera kind—a grainy picture of which I will spare you.  

While looking for a photo, however, I stumbled upon this online:

I share it, because although one photo or written tribute cannot possibly do him full justice, it brought me comfort when reading again this morning.

I believe my mom, brother and I wrote it.

Perhaps it will bring somewarmth to you, too.

Be well.

💌 Amanda

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