Dear 1L How are you feeling about Con Law?

Dear 1L,

How are you feeling about Con Law?

I confess, I was terrified.

For me, there were two camps when it came to Con Law.

In one, were the PoliSci/U.S. Gov. majors. And their friends: the read-the-newspaper-every day types. They assembled in the library lounge to read each day—the library’s hard-copy subscriptions. They then gabbed about politics. I stayed away.

I was out of my league.

Surely, Con Law would be a disaster.

Those in my camp had no relevant major. East Asian Studies/Japanese would not help me now.

I did not read the newspaper (despite my lawyer-father’s long-time pleas). I read Cosmo. Maybe Tennis Magazine.

From Day 1, I was lost in Con Law.

In class, our professor talked ONLY of politics. I didn’t know any of the players. I had never even heard most issues.

It is embarrassing, in retrospect. But I was just a kid. 23. Sure, I was responsible and smart. I did well in school. But fun, for me, was NOT reading the newspaper.

What saved me? The Constitution. I kid you not.

Read it. It is short.
Type it. Every word.
Own it.
Every Amendment, too.
Do practice problems. Write practice essays. Put concepts in your own pen.

You don’t need to know politics. Know the Constitution.

The Constitution saved me. The other camp? Not so much.

Beat the curve. Know the Constitution. Know it cold.

Try it. Let me know how you do.
Stay the course. Slay Con Law, too.



P.S. Follow ✏️ #dear1L to see future posts.

P.P.S. What tips do you have for 1Ls starting out in Con Law I?

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