Boys Are Raised to Be Brave, Girls Are Raised to Be Perfect

Here’s a story I can’t stop thinking about: A job posting lists 10 qualifications.

A woman sees it & checks 9 of 10.

“I’m not qualified. I’ll never get it,” she tells herself.

—She slinks away and doesn’t apply.

A man comes across the same job listing.

He reads the 10 qualifications & checks off 3.

“I have got a real shot at that job!” he tells himself.

—He feels encouraged and applies right away.


Boys are raised to be brave.
Girls are raised to be perfect.
That has an impact.

I heard the above at a women’s conference last year, and I can’t seem to get it out of my head.

I don’t know that the story perfectly reflects reality, but it helps me to recall it whenever my instinct is shy away from trying something new.

❤️ For the women in my legal LinkedIn network:

Might it help you?

That job posting, that promotion, that high-profile case—they don’t just have to be for someone else.

They could be for YOU.

We can each do our part to bridge the gender gap if we push ourselves a little more outside our comfort zone each day.

And I promise I’ll be here to cheer and root for you when you do.

💌 Amanda

P.S. Challenge time!

Let’s make February a month of pushing ourselves outside our comfort zone.

—I dare you to apply for something you really want but feel you’re not quite qualified for. It could be a job, a speaking engagement, or even a personal goal.

Drop an “I’ll try!” comment below, and let’s hold each other accountable. ⬇️

(And don’t forget to come back & share your success stories here. Your bravery might just inspire someone else to take the leap!)

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