They Call It a “2L Slump” for a Reason

Dear 2L,

They really didn’t give you much of a break this summer, did they?

Since right after exams, you’ve had the write-on, your first “legal” job, early recruiting, OCI, and whatever you’ve had going on in your personal life.

Whether you have a 2L summer job lined up or not, it probably hasn’t felt like much of a summer “break.”

And now you have to gear up and do difficult doctrinal courses again—when it still feels like summer.

It would be no wonder if you felt burnt out and unmotivated right now. If so, I am sorry.

I hope these thoughts will help you find ways to feel engaged again:

1️⃣ You’re not alone.

None of you needs to justify being sapped. The dog days of late Aug / early Sept call for lazy naps, not school, IMO. (Your past year exhausts me just to think about.)

Try to take care of you. A tonic for most things is a healthy routine: regular sleep, eating well, and exercising.

—If you get into a routine, your body and mind will begin to replenish themselves.
—The world will start to seem less daunting, and, hopefully, you’ll just feel better physically.

That should improve your mood and boost confidence, and that can jumpstart action.

2️⃣ You have time to get a job for next summer.

Everything I’ve read from former 2Ls tells me there is ZERO reason to “freak out” if you weren’t in the small group who snagged a job by OCI or otherwise.

Jobs get posted consistently throughout the 2L school year, and many 3Ls say they did not get theirs until the spring.

I will continue to monitor what I’m hearing on this front and will help you however I can.

3️⃣ Immerse yourself in activities with others.

There is power in human connection, especially when working together for a common goal. Choose one about which you are passionate.

For some, it will be moot court. For others, law-student organizations or law journals. All offer excellent, peer interaction and group spirit.

These types of activities will be what you remember most about your 2L and 3L years.

4️⃣ Maximize clinics and seminars that interest you.

I know there are schools of thought saying you should take courses during law school that will help you on the bar. My take is different.

Every “bar” subject I took in 2L/3L was uninteresting to me, and my bar prep course covered them all—just enough for the bar (which was plenty for me).

Especially if you’re unmotivated and burnt out right now, the doctrinal topics tested on the bar will not be your friend.

I recommend that you take courses that interest you and involve content you want to learn, rather than content you need to learn.

Hands down, clinics and seminars were my favorite and most memorable 2L/3L courses.

They also helped me most from a practical perspective for future law-firm-associate assignments.

💌 Amanda


P.S. 🗳️ 3Ls: What helped you become more engaged? I know there tends to be a “3L Slump,” too.

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