Final Letter to My Og’s

Dear 3L (OG), I’ve been trying to write this letter for over a month now. But every time I start thinking about your graduation, I get mushy, and this letter gets schmaltzy.

We started this whole journey together, you know. You and me. This is year THREE! You guys are my original gang. I know your names. Your faces. Your fears, your triumphs.

I don’t know who needed whom more that first year. 

And since then, we have both “done our thing.”

🚩 SO, what is next???

I struggle with that for me every day, and my answer is constantly evolving. 

But one thing I know is that this 3-year experience has been both the hardest I’ve ever attempted and also the most rewarding and exhilarating.  I’m guessing that law school’s been a bit like that for you, too.

I pray this is not good-bye, but to this 3-year chapter of ours, I offer a parting tip:


In law school, you learned about “zeal” and your duty to fight for your clients zealously as a JD. As to that, I have no doubt you’ll succeed.

But here’s the thing I always got wrong: 

I forgot about me.  You see, with all that zealous fighting for your clients, it’s easy to lose sight of the fact that YOU are one of your clients, too. 

👉 I’d venture to say you’re your MOST important client.

Remember what they tell you on airplanes: 

✈️ Put on your own mask before assisting your child.

Please apply that message here. 

It’s not selfish. When you thrive personally and professionally, you bring more energy, clarity and passion to your clients’ causes.

The legal profession is demanding.
—Long hours. High stress.
—And alcoholism, depression, eating disorders, gambling addictions, and many other bad things seem to run rampant in the halls of law firms, big and small.

🥵 An exhausted, unhealthy lawyer cannot be a good advocate.

So as you zealously champion others’ rights, please never forget to champion your own well-being—and do so with the same ZEAL you bring to client advocacy.

Put on that mask meant for YOU.
In the end, your clients will fare better, too.

Forever fondly,

💌 Amanda


P.S. Please let me know where you’re headed after school? I’d love to know your next plan. (Maybe it will help me with mine!!)

P.P.S. Want to stay in touch? Sign up for my newsletter at Dear1L .com.

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