Final Exam Tip

Dear 1L, You will likely be using supplements, hornbooks, and outlines from past years in connection with your exam prep.

That is fine, but remember these important caveats:

🔸 An “A” essay in “Property” with Prof. Smart will not include all the same ingredients as an “A” essay in “Property” with Prof. Wise. 

🔸 An “A” essay in “Con Law” from 2024 will not include all the same ingredients as an “A” essay in “Con Law” in 2018.

▶️ To get the most points, you need to use the examples, cases, and phrases that YOUR professor used in YOUR class THIS year, not those of some hornbook writer, and not those from another year (especially in Con Law!).

I’ll have a global tip list for you available this weekend, and then I want you studying and not scrolling!

💌 Amanda


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