VOCABULARY: In-house Counsel, Outside Counsel, FractionalGeneral Counsel & More

Learn this lawyer lingo:


This term refers to lawyers whose employer is an entity (such as a corporation or organization) that is not “in the business” of providing legal services to clients. In-house counsel typically serve one and only one client: their employer.

The specific job titles associated with in-house counsel vary by employee, but most have one lawyer titled “General Counsel (GC)” (or “Chief Legal Officer (CLO),” which may or may not be synonymous with GC depending on the entity). The GC or CLO is the highest-level, in-house attorney to whom all other lawyers typically report, directly or indirectly.


This term typically refers to lawyers in “private practice” who are employed by law firms (or have a partnership in, a shareholder agreement with, or an independent contract with a law firm) & who perform attorney work for several firm clients.

The term “outside counsel” is most commonly used by in-house counsel to refer to the law-firm lawyers that represent them.


This term typically refers to experienced, self-employed lawyers who are hired directly by entity clients—part or full-time, often on a long-term basis. Small businesses without large (or any) legal departments may rely on one Fractional GC to function as the entity’s GC.

Fractional GCs tend to perform attorney work for fewer clients and charge a lower rate than their law-firm peers. Fractional GC offer support that is more like that traditionally performed by in-house counsel than by outside counsel.


This term refers to a lawyer who works on an hourly basis, usually for a law firm, as a self-employed independent contractor. Work may be arranged through a third-party staffing agency. Contract Counsel are paid less and are considered less prestigious than comparable law-firm associates.

The “Contract” in the title has nothing to do w/ contract law or the review and negotiating of contracts. It refers to the contractual relationship between the Contract Counsel and the law firm or other employer.

🗳️ LAWYERS: Please holler to add or modify any of the above (especially Fractional GC, as that is a newer term for me).

🗳️ STUDENTS & OTHERS: What other terms have you heard for which you’d find a definition & description helpful?


💌 Amanda


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